The Alive: Video zu „This is Rock and Roll“ online

Die Hard-Rockband The Alive haben ein neues Video am Start – der Song dazu heißt“.

Die Band sagt dazu: “THIS IS ROCK AND ROLL song is the core belief of what the band stands for. It’s our anthem to the world. We are a RnR band that loves the groove and fun of playing music. This is also why we chose to do this particular song as our first video and a single. The video was directed by Live Mays of of ForeverLit films. It was the bands first time shooting a video and Live made the experience very relaxed. The idea was to be very raw and show the band having fun with the song. It’s a basic concept but with an THE ALIVE twist. We are very serious about our writing when it comes to creating music but why not have a little fun when it comes to making videos. We also had a friend of ours James J Woodall (Woody) play a real greaseball guy that you see at the beginning of the video. He provides a great comedy element and sets a real good vibe for what to expect. It’s a lighthearted fun video for a song that we think will live on as a standard for THE ALIVE….THIS IS ROCK AND ROLL so throw up your hands and put those dancing shoes on cause it’s party time!

The Alive – This is Rock and Roll


Dieser Artikel wurde am: 27. November 2018 veröffentlicht.

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